Clinical Trials
buRst-supprESsion TO stop Refractory status Epilepticus post-cardiac arrest (NCT05851391)
RESTORE is a randomized clinical trial investigating the safety and feasibility of using EEG treatment targets (burst suppression vs. seizure suppression) for post-cardiac arrest refractory status epilepticus treatment.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (PI) [email protected] Kevin Bao (CRC) [email protected] Kate Peterson (CRC) [email protected]
PeRampanel fOr Status ePilEpticus pRophylaxis post-cardiac arrest (NCT06401707 - CWR)
PROSPER is a randomized clinical trial investigating the safety and feasibility of using perampanel (AMPA receptor antagonist) for post-cardiac arrest refractory status epilepticus prevention.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (PI) [email protected] Kevin Bao (CRC) [email protected]
Improving Neurotrauma by Depolarization Inhibition With Combination Therapy (NCT05337618 - DOD W81XWH-21-C-0075)
This is a randomized Phase 2 feasibility trial that uses real-time spreading depolarization monitoring to guide the implementation of a tier-based protocol of intensive care therapies aimed at spreading depolarization suppression, which can include the use of ketamine infusions.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (Patient Monitoring Coordination) [email protected] Anthony DiGiorgio (UCSF PI)
Prospective Observational Studies
NEurophysiology of Post-Traumatic epilepsy: UNraveling Epileptogenesis signals (DOD EP220036)
This prospective observational study is focused on determining neurophysiology biomarkers of epilepsy in patients with traumatic brain injury undergoing invasive monitoring with electrocorticography. There is emphasis on computational analysis of spike data and spreading depolarizations.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (PI) [email protected] Kevin Bao (CRC) [email protected]
This prospective observational study is focused on determining neuronal and astrocytic injury blood biomarkers of epilepsy in patients with traumatic brain injury undergoing invasive monitoring with electrocorticography. The blood biomarkers include GFAP, Nf-L, UCH-L1, Tau, and other biomarkers.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (PI) [email protected] Kevin Bao (CRC) [email protected]
Transcranial doppler AutoReGulation assessment of brain perfusion in nEurocritical patients for MAP optimization (AHA 24DIVSUP1274116)
This prospective observational study is focused on estimating the optimal cerebral perfusion pressure using robotic continuous and bilateral transcranial Doppler in acute brain injury, wich a focus on post-cardiac arrest. We will specifically investigate end-organ perfusion using EEG.
Contact: Marina Marques, MD (PI) and Edilberto Amorim, MD (PI) [email protected] [email protected] Kevin Bao (CRC) [email protected]
Addressing an inherent bias in neuroprognostication: A collaboration between the US and Brazil to reduce the impact of Self-fulfilling Prophecy in cardiac ARrEst (R01NS128342)
The framework for prognostication after cardiac arrest may be biased by withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies (WLST) due to perceived poor neurological prognosis. This joint study between medical centers in the US and Brazil will compare comprehensive patient assessments in both countries to examine the effect of WLST bias.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (UCSF PI) [email protected]
Multicenter Studies
Patient-Focused Collaborative Hospital Repository Uniting Standards for Equitable AI (1OT2OD032701-01)
CHORUS will develop the necessary network, tools, standards, data, and education to build machine-learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)-derived models to improve the care and outcomes of patients requiring critical care.
Contact: Edilberto Amorim, MD (UCSF PI) [email protected]
I-CARE: The International Cardiac Arrest REsearch consortium
Open Data for Coma Research using AI for time-series multichannel waveform data: In partnership with the Brain Data Science Platform and the AHA Precision Medicine Platform, we have curated the largest disease-specific clinical and EEG database for cardiac arrest. This data can be accessed by outside UCSF through Physionet and BDSP and is being used at the CinC 2023 Hackathon.

BIDMC: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center; BWH: Brigham and Women’s Hospital; MGH: Massachusetts General Hospital; Yale: Yale New Haven Medical Center, UTW: University of Twente (Medisch Spectrum Twente); RJN: Rinjstate Hospital; ULB: Université Libre de Bruxelles (Erasme Hospital); ICU: Intensive care unit; EDF+: European Data Format; WFDB: Waveform Database; BDSP: Brain Data Science Platform; S3: Simple Storage Service.